Work with me

QTT and Life Coaching are a powerful combination, helping you to become unstuck and to move forward in your life feeling more empowered.

We work together in QTT and Life Coaching sessions online via Zoom.

You decide how you would like to work with me so check below to see what will suit you best.

  • Quantum Thinking Transformation® (QTT) (4 weeks)

    During three sessions of QTT, we work together to help you clear the subconscious blocks, patterns and beliefs that are holding you back and preventing you from enjoying your life fully. These subconscious patterns and beliefs may have been part of your life for years, but by using very gentle yet powerful techniques I can help you to release them, helping you to feel lighter and happier.

  • Discovering You (8 week programme)

    QTT and Life Coaching

    Beginning with QTT and moving on to Life Coaching sessions I help you to release old blocks, beliefs and conditioning and in the process, you come to understand yourself and your behaviour more. You will begin to take the first steps towards making the changes you desire.

  • Build your Confidence (12-week programme)

    Over the twelve weeks of this programme, QTT and Life Coaching techniques are used to help build your confidence.

    The first three sessions are concerned with helping you to release old patterns and beliefs that have prevented you from having self-confidence up to now so you can live life more confidently as you move forward into the future.

    Following on from that, Confidence Coaching involves working on approaches and strategies to increase your confidence levels so you can embrace life rather than hide from it.

  • Empowered Living (12-week programme or 6-month programme)

    QTT and Life Coaching

    Over the first three sessions of this programme, we work together to clear the subconscious blocks, patterns and beliefs that have been preventing you from making changes in your life. When this is done, using coaching skills and techniques, I help you to move forward to live your life in a more empowered way.

    There are two options for this Empowered Living Programme. You have the choice of working with me over 12 weeks or 6 months whichever you feel is right for you.

  • Empowered Living for Teachers (12-week programme or 6-month programme)

    As a former teacher I use my knowledge and experience in this area to help you, to improve your life/work balance, learn the importance of self-care and what that entails for you, how to have better relationships with your colleagues and how to reduce your stress levels.

    I help you to release old patterns and beliefs using QTT techniques and then I help you to move forward feeling more empowered, better able to manage your stress levels, have more understanding of yourself and your behaviours and be able to engage in self-care that is right for you.

    I discovered QTT and what it has to offer near the end of my teaching career, and I now want to share it with teachers so you will feel its benefits while you are still teaching.

    This work can be done over twelve weeks or six months. You have the choice about which of these options suits you better, whichever you feel is right for you.


I just finished my QTT sessions with Laurie this week and to say they were life changing is an understatement. I entered into this experience with an open heart and open mind and the results were beyond my greatest expectations. I had never heard of QTT until a few weeks ago. I knew from the initial zoom call introduction and explanation that it was for me. I think it’s important when you are doing work like this that you click with the facilitator and we had that. I have learned so much over the last few weeks that I can take with me in the day, months and years ahead.
— Phil Manning

“Don't dance around the perimeter of the person you want to be. Dive deeply and fully into it.”

— Gabby Bernstein